Service areas for the Bank were established utilizing the Charleston District Service Area Maps for the Upper Savannah River Piedmont. The Bank, based on its location, falls within the following service area definitions:
The Primary Service Area for the Bank is bounded by the Upper Savannah Watershed, 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03060103, and the Southern Outer Piedmont physiographic province.
Secondary Service Areas for the Bank include HUC 03060101, HUC 03060102, HUC 3060107, and HUC 03060106 that are within the Southern Outer Piedmont Ecoregion.
A Tertiary Service Area for the Bank is located north of the northern secondary service area. This service area includes the Seneca (03060101) and Tugaloo (03060102) Watersheds. The Bank may not be used to mitigate for impacts in the Tertiary Service Area if the impact site is located in the Primary or Secondary Service Area of any other currently operating bank, which is suitable for the impact type.
The use of the bank outside the Primary Service Area will include an associated incremental increase in the credits required to mitigate an impact in accordance with the USACE compensatory mitigation Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and the banking agreement.
Requests for use of the bank outside the authorized Service Areas will be submitted to the USACE in writing and for the USACE review on a case-by-case basis.